Darrell Jones

Profile Updated: March 25, 2015
Residing In: Austin, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Nichole Roberts
Homepage: www.darrelljones.com
Occupation: Vice President of Business Development
Children: Daughter Nicole 25
Daughter McKenzie 19
Daughter Avery 17

Oliver 3 years old
Miles 1 years old

What years did you attend Brazoswood?

All four years

What are your memories of high school?

I'm a little ashamed to admit this now, but, cruising around in the black Caprice Classic drinking CoonDog Punch out of a beer tap system I built out of stolen parts from Dow, a gallon pickle jar and a windshield washer pump. Most of it was in the trunk but the tap was conveniently mounted on the dash of the car and served up tasty beverages every Friday and Saturday night to four idiots. It was a nice compliment to other activities going on inside the car, too.

See Gaspard's profile for more on this...

I'll deny all of this, of course, if questioned.

Did you have a nickname in high school?


What did you do right after high school?

Enrolled in Brazosport JC and worked with Drake at OCD II for a short time. Me, Drake and Wally terrorized the community on our motorcycles like crazed morons that summer. Wally taught me how to do a wheelie on a street bike - not easy. Man, he could ride. Wally, Gaspard, Drake and I then became Jack Reid's delivery and install crew. We were also in charge of an unofficial herb testing program every time we got in one of the delivery vehicles. Then I moved to San Marcos to go to SWT. Wally and I were roommates and Gaspard and Scott Morris lived right down the hall. What an amazing time. Incredible stories and memories. Animal House was a party 7 nights a week. Many, many laws broken.

Where else have you lived?

San Marcos

What did you always want to do that you haven’t done yet?

1 - Pay Gaspard back for the body damage on his VW because CrackerJack Hamilton and I stole an empty keg from a frat party and tried to force it in his trunk but we were too, um, over-served to realize it was too big. We had plans to build a lamp or something that seemed genius at the moment. We finally gave up but the damage was done.

2 - Thank El Rod for continually taking the risk of the river house parties. How he kept pulling those off are still a mystery.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Daughters Activities - I'm a single dad and really have my hands full so 95% of my non-working time is spent with my daughters. They all live with me and we're very close. They're into all kinds of things

Ride motorcycles - I have a couple of Harleys that I run around on from time to time. I go to the big rally in Sturgis every year, 2014 was my 9th year in a row.

What is your favorite book?

I read the USA Today and Wall Street Journal on airplanes

What is your favorite movie?

Shawshank Redemption - Get busy living, or get busy dying

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at BHS?

Not a damn thing.

Do you have any good stories about classmates?

Too many to mention. You know who you are...

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Aug 20, 2018 at 3:33 PM

I don't know Gary's kids but if you do they might get a kick out of this story...


When we were preparing for graduation in 1979 and planning the obligatory senior bonfire it occurred to Gary, Mike Gaubatz and me that we should top the bonfire off with a real outhouse. Yes, an outhouse. Go big or go home. Of course it never occurred to any of us that there might be some less-than-desirable dynamics involved in moving a functioning outhouse. 18 is such a cute age.

Typical 18-year-old rationale – this is small town Texas. How hard can it be to find an outhouse? You just have to look around, right? Ok so now we have a plan – we’re gonna load up and look around. Gary offered to drive. We loaded an ice chest, of course, and jumped in Gary’s truck (El Camino, I think?) and headed west. We combed every back road in Brazoria, West Columbia and even went as far as Sweeny. No luck. Even though this was 40 years ago a rational thinker would surmise that even 40 years ago there probably hadn’t been a real outhouse in use in probably 60 years. This “fact” was lost on us because we were fueled by Miller Lite, raw energy and dedication to the mission, and, oh, those wacky 18-year-old brains.

After several hours and lots of miles, and determined to not be head-butted by reality, we lowered our mission target and settled for a small inclement weather enclosure at a school bus stop somewhere outside of West Columbia. It was, at least, the same shape as an outhouse and roughly the same size (even though we all joked that none of us had ever actually seen an outhouse). Luckily we could pick it up and luckily it fit in GK’s truck bed. Mission accomplished! It was hardly the ceremonial outhouse that we were seeking but we considered the mission a success and we called it an outhouse anyway and not an elementary school bus stop rain shed …

That outhouse did make it to the top of our senior bonfire. Our celebratory picture shows us standing on top of the bonfire with said outhouse about to be blazed, Sander’s, El Rod’s and my spray painted signatures, a crazy Laredo sign that someone crafted for some reason, Scott Sanders mugging it up and me holding an empty Miller Lite bottle with a dead snake hanging out of it celebrating the final stage of Operation Outhouse. It was glorious. I remember doing this and I remember putting the dead snake head-first into that empty bottle. What I can’t remember is why?…And I don’t remember why neither of my partners-in-crime are in the picture. Maybe heads down planning our next mission… As the driver and the de facto leader of us knuckleheads Gary took great pride in this accomplishment. One of my favorite memories from Lake Jackson.

This bonfire and picture were on school property and in our 1979 yearbook BTW. 

Today the sentiment would be ------- Where are their parents…???!!! smiley

RIP GK, you outhouse-stealing scallywag…


Darrell Jones has a birthday today.
May 22, 2018 at 3:33 AM
Darrell Jones has a birthday today.
May 22, 2017 at 3:33 AM
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May 22, 2016 at 3:33 AM
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May 22, 2015 at 3:33 AM
Mar 25, 2015 at 6:59 AM
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Oct 03, 2014 at 11:46 AM
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Oct 03, 2014 at 11:15 AM
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Oct 01, 2014 at 9:33 PM
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Oct 01, 2014 at 9:31 PM
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Oct 01, 2014 at 9:31 PM
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Oct 01, 2014 at 9:31 PM
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Oct 01, 2014 at 9:30 PM
Posted: Oct 03, 2014 at 11:46 AM
Posted: Oct 03, 2014 at 11:15 AM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:31 PM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:31 PM
Posted: Mar 21, 2015 at 9:19 AM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:30 PM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:30 PM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:30 PM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:29 PM
Posted: Oct 01, 2014 at 9:04 PM