Pattie LaRue
Pattie's Latest Interactions
I remember when we were 13 and Virginia seemed to be so cool. I wanted to be cool like her. I felt awkward but not Virginia. She seemed to be ready to be a teenager. Years later when I found out she had moved to Arkansas I wanted to visit but never did. I regreted that when Cindy Coe (forgot her married name) told me Virginia died.
Happy Birthday!
I just noticed that you named your kids so that they will always be DR Davison. That is so clever!!!
Posted on: Jan 18, 2014 at 9:17 PM
I liked the old site much better than this redesigned one. At my age I'm only comfortable with technology that I already understand. Absolutely HATED that I couldn't just click & get where I was going. I'd never had to log in before so I had to create a password... UGH!